Friday, March 13, 2009

Treatment For Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain can occur to computer surfers who spend long hours at a same position, bike riders, where the bike does not have enough shock absorbers, and others who normally are into routine type of work. Backbone and the Spinal chord are very important parts of the body, which manages the entire structure. Keeping them healthy is very important. Low back pain be overcome by following certain simple exercises. Computers surfers can follow workplace workouts to avoid back pain and stress. The below simple technics will help get relief from low back pain. You can follow these methods carefully and apply them very slowly. Remember to always feel relaxed and comfortable before you start any exercise. Mind plays a vital role in any exercise to show effect on you.
Trunk Flexion Stretch
a) On hands and knees, tuck in chin and arch back.
b) Slowly sit back on heels, letting shoulders drop towards floor.
c) Hold for 45 to 60 Seconds.
Alternate Arm Leg Extension Exercise
a) Face floor on hands and knees.
b) Raise left arm and right leg. Do not arch neck.
c) Hold for 10 seconds and release.
d) Raise right arm and left leg. Do not arch neck.
e) Hold for 10 seconds and release
Pelvic Tilt Exercise
a) Lie on back with knees bent, feel flat on floor, and arms at sides
b) Flatten small of back against floor. (Hips will tilt upward)
c) Hold for 10 to 15 seconds and release. Gradually increase your holding time to 60 seconds.
Curl Up Exercise
a) Lie on the floor on back.
b) Keeping arms folded across chest, tilt pelvis to flatten back. Tuck chin into chest.
c) Tighten abdominal muscles while raising head and shoulders from floor
d) Hold for 10 seconds and releasee) Repeat 10 to 15 times. Gradually increase your repititions.
Prone Lumbar Extension
Purpose: To extend your lower back
a) Lie on your stomach and place your hands on the floor near the sides of your head.
b) Slowly push your upper body off the floor by straightening your arms, but keep your hips on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax your arms, moving back to the floor.
Double Knee-To-Chest Stretch:
a) Lie down on back
b) Pull both knees into chest until you feel a comfortable stretch in lower back.
c) Keep the back relaxed.
d) Hold for 45 to 60 seconds
Alternate Leg Extension:
a) Lie on your stomach with your arms folded uneder your chin.
b) Slowly lift one leg - not too high - without bending it, while keeping your pelvis flat on the floor.
c) Slowly lower your leg and repeat with the other leg.

Water slide

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Panache -09 Song


Edhi kalayanaa nijamukadha,
Manaloney anuvuanuvai

Manasuntey marghamundhi kada,
Vesesai mundhu adugai

Jeevitham thallidhandrula varamu,
Ghyanam gurulu panchindey kada
Aanandam mana thodu undaganeah,
Eelokham mana venta radha illa

Yedhuruga chudu ASTRA neah thodu,
Avakashani cheyjaraneedu
Neelo merupu merisindhi chudu,
Chesai ikapai deshamlo marpu

Hamara dil chahata hai PANACHE PANACHE (2)

Benefits of Water

The human body is made up of 60-65% water (lean people have morewater in their bodies mainly due to the fact that muscles hold morewater than fat).
More researchers recommend 8 glasses of water a day in order tomaintain our health, but sometimes this quantity might vary dependingon life-style, nutrition, environment temperature, humidity, etc. Thehuman body needs so much water because almost every cell in our bodyneed water to function properly.
Still, if you think that the human body accumulates daily 2 litersof water, think again! Our lungs expel daily about 3 cups of waterthrough normal breathing, if we perspire we eliminate two cups of watera day (not including exercises), etc.
Some of us prefer soft drinks to water. In this case we should bearin mind that sugar slows down the absorption of fluids into the body.Additionally, such drinks contain calories that might sometimes makethe difference between weight loss and weight gain.
Besides drinking water, another important method of increasing waterintake in our bodies is eating food with a high content of water. Suchsources of water are fruits and vegetables.
The top 5 fruits with one of the highest content of water are:
1. Watermelon (92% water)
2. Strawberries (92% water)
3. Grapefruits (91% water)
4. Cantaloupe (90% water)
5. Peaches (88% water)
Additionally, the top 5 vegetables with one of the highest content of water are:
1. Lettuce (96% water)
2. Cucumber (96% water)
3. Celery (95% water)
4. Radish (95% water)
5. Zucchini (95% water)
If drinking water is not that easy for you, here are some tips that will make it easier for you to drink water:
1. Drink less but more often (every two hours drink a cup of water, take water with you in the car, when you watch TV, etc.)
2. Include some natural flavors in your glasses of water.
3. Use ice, lemons, straws, etc.
4. Use colorful containers.
5. Drink cold water (it might taste better).
6. Replace soda with water at lunch.
7. Drink a glass of water before you eat (recommended especially when you are trying to loss weight, as water decreases your appetite) .
Additionally, for those who think that drinking less water meansless kg on the scale, we should bear in mind that the more water weconsume, the less we retain, because a clean inner body works moreeffectively.
Water consumption has a lot of health benefits. There is not a single diet in the world that restricts water consumption.
The most important 10 health related benefits of water consumption are:
1. External benefits: additional moisture for our skin, prevents the aging process, a more fit body, etc.
2. Headaches:75% of our brain is made of water. So, when the body has a waterdeficit, the brain will be the one of the first who will signal theproblem, causing headaches. When drinking alcohol, although some mightnot recommend, water might be the solution to get back in shape becauseit eliminates toxins and re-hydrates the brain.
3. Back pains:are often caused by fluid deficits in our bodies. The disks within ourbacks are filled with fluids, mainly water, and act like shockabsorbers. Regular movement and a proper fluid level will keep thesedisks hydrated and will allow them to support the weight of the upperbody.
Usually, the fluid inside the disks support 75% of the weight, whilethe shell supports 25% of it. When the fluid level drops, the shell isforced to support a higher weight level, causing pains and otherproblems.
4. Reduces infections:The lymphatic systems in our body is responsible for waste disposal.This system breaks down toxins before passing them into the bloodstream.
A low intake of water will disturb the flow of lymph in our systems, making our bodies less resistant to dangerous infections.
5. Hypertension: often occurs when the human body is trying to adjust to blood volumeloss. Our blood is almost 85% water, so its volume depends a lot of thewater intake.
When the body detects a drop in the blood volume, it closes lessactive capillary beds in order to maintain active areas proper fueledwith blood. When vessels close, they cause an tension increase in themuscles. So, water helps by increasing the blood volume and thus,reducing tension.
6. Concentration:water is used to flush out toxins contained by certain food products(preservatives, additives, etc.). By drinking water, these toxins areflushed quickly from the liver, making you more active and increasingyour concentration capacity.
7. Arthritis:water is used to lubricate joints between our bones. When water intakeis low, the friction between cartilage surfaces increases, causingswellings, pains, etc.
8. Breath:bad breath is a clear sign that your body needs more water. Our salivahelps the cleaning process of our teeth of bacteria and keeps ourtongue hydrated.
9. Cramps:oxygen is transported to our muscles by blood. If the blood is notproperly oxygenated, muscles create lactic acid causing cramps. Bydrinking water we make sure that our blood is fueled with oxygen.
10. Other important benefits: asthma, digestion, fluid retention, morning sickness, etc.
There are many other benefits of drinking water. A proper hydrated body is a more healthy and resistant body!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Amazing Flying Animals

Flying Snake:-
In the tropical rain forests of South and Southeast Asia, there lives 5 snake species that know how to travel in style. Unlike other snakes that crawl, climb, or swim, these snakes "fly'! This unusual choice of mode of transportation is how they got their name -- flying snakes. Of course, flying snakes' flying ability is an overstatement, because they don't have wings. Nevertheless, as flying snakes launch from one tree, undulate across the sky, and land onto another tree, they appear as if they are flying with a pair of invisible wings! So, how do flying snakes perform such a daredevil stunt? When a flying snake climbs to a desirable take-off spot, it first dangles from a tree branch high above the ground. Holding onto the branch with its tail, the flying snake hangs like a hook. Then, suddenly, the flying snake seems to lose its grasp and starts to fall. Well, as unbelievable as this looks, the freefall is not an accident. It is how the flying snake launches its "flight."
Flying Fish:-
Flyingfishes are easily recognised by their huge pectoral fins.
They are well known for their gliding (rather than flying) ability and can be loosely divided into two types.
The four-wing flyingfishes (like that in the images) have both the pectoral and pelvic fins enlarged.
The process of taking flight, or gliding, begins by gaining great velocity underwater, about 37 miles (60 kilometers) per hour. Angling upward, the four-winged flying fish breaks the surface and begins to taxi by rapidly beating its tail while it is still beneath the surface. It then takes to the air, sometimes reaching heights over 4 feet (1.2 meters) and gliding long distances, up to 655 feet (200 meters). Once it nears the surface again, it can flap its tail and taxi without fully returning to the water. Capable of continuing its flight in such a manner, flying fish have been recorded stretching out their flights with consecutive glides spanning distances up to 1,312 feet (400 meters).
They can glide for 200m or more. These fishes are often seen taxiing just above the water surface, rapidly beating the water with the large lower lobe of the caudal fin (see top image).
The two-wing flyingfishes have enlarged pectoral fins only. They generally do not glide as far at the four-wing flyingfishes. Flyingfishes use their gliding ability to escape from predators. A flying fish will commonly glide at double its swimming speed. Some species have been known to accelerate from a fast swimming speed of about 36km/hour to as much as 72km/hour in air.
Flying Frogs:-
Also known as parachute frogs, Wallace's flying frogs inhabit the dense tropical jungles of Malaysia and Borneo. They live almost exclusively in the trees, descending only to mate and lay eggs.When threatened or in search of prey, they will leap from a branch and splay their four webbed feet. The membranes between their toes and loose skin flaps on their sides catch the air as they fall, helping them to glide, sometimes 50 feet (15 meters) or more, to a neighboring tree branch or even all the way to the ground. They also have oversized toe pads to help them land softly and stick to tree trunks.Wallace's flying frogs are not the only frogs who have developed this ability, but they are among the largest. The black color of their foot webbing helps distinguish them from their similarly aerial cousins.They are generally bright green with yellow sides and grow to about 4 inches (10 centimeters). They survive mainly on insects.
Flying Squirrels:-
flying squirrel name for certain nocturnal tree squirrels adapted for gliding; they do not actually fly. Most are found in Asia, but one species of the genus Pteromys extends into SE Europe and the two species of Glaucomys are found in North America.
The gliding mechanism is a fold of furry skin extending along each side of the body from the wrist to the ankle and, in some species, to the tail. When the animal is at rest the flaps are folded; when it stretches its limbs for leaping, as do all tree squirrels, the flaps are stretched out taut like a parachute. The tail in many species is broad and flat, with a flat row of hairs on either side. The animal uses movements of the flaps, limbs, and tail to control direction.
The glide always starts from a high tree branch; if it is a long glide the animal comes to rest near the ground and must climb up again. The small North American flying squirrels leap from heights of 50 ft (15 m) or more and may travel a horizontal distance of over 100 ft (30 m). Flying squirrels are seldom seen because of their nocturnal habits and high dwelling places. They nest, often many together, in holes in trees.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

US AF A10--Super Stuff

This video was taken in Afghanistan by the pilot of an American A-10 fighter from the cockpit camera.It was a night view. What you see is from 9700 feet away (almost two miles). Four terrorists are walking along a street with no clue that someone is watching them....... from almost 2 miles away.Such was the accuracy of the A-10 30 mm cannon that it engaged the terrorists WITHOUT injuring the dog nearby which as you can see, escaped unharmed. You can see the gun camera shake a bit as the pilot fires; then count about 4 seconds for the rounds to travel 2 miles.Every tenth round is a tracer, so the bullets you actually see are every tenth; Muzzle velocity of the 30mm cannon is 2430 feet per second. The result is that four fewer guys won't be blowing up women and children anymore!

Konark Sun Temple

Sun Temple - The Chariot of Sun
Sun Temple, located in Konark, is probably the best known attraction that is there in Orissa. The temple was build by King Narasimhadeo in the 13th century. Sun Temple is also referred to as 'Black Pagoda' as it is build of black granite. The temple dedicated to Sun God was build as a chariot to him with wheels on all sides of the temple. It is one of the earliest places where Sun God was worshiped. Although few sections of the temple are now in ruins, but still the aura and the elegance of the temple is retained. Konark was once a busy port and many ships came and went. To Europeans, it served as a landmark who started calling the temple Black Pagoda. Sun Temple is considered a marvel among other temples and has been the inspiration for many writers and poets. Numerous books and articles related to its history and architecture have been written. Looking at the temple. Rabindranath Tagore, once said, "Here the language of stone surpasses the language of man".
History of Sun Temple:-
It is said that Sun Temple is built on the place where Samba, the son of Lord Krishna worshiped Sun God for liberation from a curse put upon him by his father. Legend has it that Samba was arrogant about his beauty and once made fun of a great sage Narada. Sage Narada planned to take revenge. He once lured Samba to the side of the lake where his step mothers were taking bath. Lord Krishna came to know of this unacceptable act by his son. Infuriated, he cursed his son with Leprosy. When Lord Krishna realized that his son was tricked by Sage Narada, he asked Samba to worship Sun God, who is the healer of all diseases. Samba Worshiped Lord Surya on the sea coast. He spent 12 years of penance worshiping Sun God. After long, Surya God appeared and asked Samba to take a holy dip in Konark. As soon as he was relieved of Leprosy, he planned to built a temple dedicated to Sun God at the very same place where he appeared.
Architecture of Sun Temple:-
Few sections of the temple are now in ruins, but still major portions are still intact. The temple is an unparalleled example of medieval temple architecture. Sun Temple is a form of Vahana (vehicle) style as it is in the shape of a chariot. There are many such temples in India, however none come close to the magnificence of Sun Temple. The main temple structure stands on a platform. There are 12 wheels carved on the two sides of the platform. Each wheels is more than 10 feet in height. The spokes of the wheels work as sundials predicting the exact time of the day. Just stand under one of the wheels and feel the grandness of them. To complete the chariot, there are structures of 7 galloping horses at the entrance of the temple. These seven life size horses are a major attraction of the temple. Once you are close to the walls of the temple, notice the intricate carvings that have been done on the walls. There are images of God and Goddesses, men, women, warriors and scenes from day to day life. It is said that the temple was not build how it was envisioned. But some say that it was build exactly the way it was planned. The magnetic dome was removed from the top as it was causing many ships to crash around the shores. It is kept in the ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) museum for display.
Other Information:-
Sun Temple in Konark is close to both Bhubaneswar (64 Km) and Puri (35 Km). So it makes a easy reach to the temple by any mode of transportation. Closest airport is at Bhubaneswar whereas nearest railhead is in Puri. And if you are visiting Konark around December, do not forget to be a spectator at the electrifying Konark Dance Festival which showcases all Indian classical dances like Bharatnatyam, Odissi, Kuchipudi and many more. They are performed by dancers who have earned great appreciation for their work from around the world. You can visit Konark any time of the year, as it has a favorable climate throughout the 12 month period.
Sun Temple is one of the most celebrated temples in India. It has been the pride of Orissa since the day it was constructed. Considered as a marvel in temple architecture, Sun Temple is the most stunning structure on the shores of Orissa.